Community Empowerment Day
Sat, Aug 15
|Location is TBD
Honoring Institutions, organizations, & Stakeholders in Economic Achievement & Excellence in Community Service
Time & Location
Aug 15, 2020, 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM EDT
Location is TBD
About the Event
#HAPIFilm & The Afrikan Poetry Theatre (The Center For Culture)Presents
... “Community Empowerment Day 2020” 5PM August 15th
Outside The Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building,Harlem USA
*BRING A WHISTLE & A Mask!! In Conjunction with New York State Senate Office ,
@flying3sixty , & Knight Ryders Bike Club
Empowerment Day Award Ceremony Begins at 5pm
Honoring Institutions, Organizations & Stake Holders in Economic Achievement & Excellence In Community Service
Hosted By Author, #amazonbooks Best Seller ,
Motivational Speaker, & Real Estate Developer
Seifuddin “Coach” Henton Seifuddin Henton
Keynote Speaker & Honoree:
NY State SenatorJames Sanders Jr.
Honorees (Community Stakeholders)
NY State Senator Brian A. Benjamin
NY State Assemblyman Charles Barron
NY City CouncilWoman Inez barron
Central Bklyn EDC Exec. Director
Lashawn Alen Muhammad
NYC Dept. of Small Business Services Commissioner
Jonnel Doris
Honorees (Community Service)
The Harlem Fund
We Run Brownsville
100 Suits for Men
King of Kings Foundation
MYSON Initiative
Man Up Incorporated
Join Us as We Celebrate Black Entreprenuership, in a Bike Procession up 125th St., Blowing Our Whistles as we pass Black Businesses.
*Bring A Whistle & A Mask!!
Our “Black Business Parade” will stop at Historic Harlem Monuments, as Cast Members of #hapifilm discuss the impact of each site on African American History, and its relation to Black Economics.
*Bring A Whistle!!!
#hapifilm #tahutifilms #afrikanpoetrytheatre #communityempowermentday2020 #economicindependence #economicliteracy #buyblack #globaleconomics #communityeconomics #blackbusinessparade #knightrydersbikeclub #flying3sixty #kingofkingsfoundation #100suitsformen #mysoninitiative #werunbrownsville #manupincorporated #theharlemfund #nystatesenate #nyccouncil #nysassembly #centralbklynedc #adamclaytonpowellstateofficebuilding #harlem #queens #thebronx #brooklyn #thehentongroup